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We Help you Make Your Hormones Happy!

Measure and monitor your hormones at home in minutes.


Qanik DX’s hormone sensor allows you to test your hormones at home.  No doctors.  No appointment.  No lab requisition.  It’s easy.  It's affordable.

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developed by PATIENTS for patients.

Our Founder and CEO, Sonya Satveit, spent years seeking answers to her own health issues and was dissatisfied with the care she received. She knew that the issues related in some way to her hormones and was frustrated at how difficult it was to get a simple hormone test, which requires a doctor's signature.  After suffering 2 miscarriages due to unaddressed hormone issues, she realized that she had to become an advocate for her own health.

Sonya began researching hormone health to create awareness about women’s hormone health throughout their life cycle. Inspired by women that reached out to her from over 175 countries worldwide, Sonya began to envision a different kind of healthcare where women could be empowered.   A healthcare system with no restrictions or barriers to laboratory access by taking the lab out of the equation and placing it in the home for easy access to the testing that women feel they need.  As she became involved in the digital health revolution taking place across North America and globally, she realized that the issues she saw in women's health weren't being transformed at the grassroots level the way she envisioned. Sonya decided it was time to bring her big and bold vision to life.

Happily, she has gone on to have 3 successful pregnancies.

Our Champion

Did you know...

More than 7 billion lab tests are performed annually in the US alone and approximately 70% of all physician decisions are based on lab results.


The QT smart cartridge makes it so simple.

QT Smart Cartridge

  • Affordable single use QT smart-cartridges will be sold separately.

  • Single-test cartridges will be available for purchase online without a doctor or lab requisition.

  • Multi-test cartridges such as a Female Hormone Panel including estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, etc. will be available for purchase online without a doctor or lab requisition.

  • The self-registering QT smart-cartridge will sync with your registered QT Sensor so no need to register the cartridge each time you use your device.

  • Embedded in each QT cartridge is a processor chip that verifies the cartridge identifier number and which tests will be conducted on that specific cartridge.

  • A few drops of blood placed onto the small well are automatically drawn into the smart-cartridge to each measurement site for analysis.

  • An intuitive lighting system will alert the user that the test sites have been adequately loaded with blood. of proper alignment and

  • Clean up is easy. Smart-cartridges are returnable postage-paid in the enclosed bio-hazard bag as part of our bio-safety program.


Multiple Tests

Simultaneously test a variety of hormones

Easy Grip

Easy to hold and easy to use.

One Time Use

Single-use cartridges are be returnable to us, postage paid for proper and safe disposal.


Dab a couple drops of blood for multiple tests


Results delivered to your device before you can finish your morning coffee.


We make it easy for you to understand what’s happening with your hormones.

Turning your raw test data into actionable intelligence means you can take immediate action. You can see your data visualized and easily see trends over time. We help you get educated about your test results before you go see your doctor. Plus you get to share your data with anyone you choose. 



Gatekeepers not allowed!


Our scientists are using state-of-the-art quantum nanotechnology to develop a lab for the home.

We call it the QT Sensor.

How do you spell patient empowerment?


We spell it:

Qanik DX

Simple and Easy









Prick your finger with the lance included in your kit and dab a few drops of blood on the test cartridge of your choice.

Insert the smart cartridge into the QT Sensor.  An intuitive lighting system will alert you that the cartridge is properly in place for analysis.

The QT sensor will detect and analyze hormone levels in the blood.

Results will be delivered to your device within 15 minutes.

Results can be viewed on your dashboard as raw data that give actionable insights to educate and providing the knowledge to empower patients.

Monitor your results from multiple tests for trends over time – days, months or years – its your choice.

It’s your data, share it with whomever you want! 


Direct access lab testing is the future.

Join us in creating it!

Whether you’re an investor, consumer, scientist, lab tech or someone who wants to hear more about our progress, we’d love to hear from you. 


You now know who we are, now tell us a little bit about you:

Thanks for connecting!


Copywrite: 2018 QanikDX. Inc.

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